What is Kashmir’s relationship with Pakistan? You must have seen groups of youths with stories of pride and enthusiasm on their faces, with a gleam of freedom in their eyes, with only one slogan on their lips. And when they chant, it echoes around the valley.
Slogan Yeh hai kashmir ka reshta kya la ilaha illallah.
This story is spread in the graveyards of thousands of martyrs spread across the Kashmir Valley. In these graveyards you will find people of all ages who sacrificed their lives for freedom.
What? But. He who is alive with wounds,
So his wounds are so painful and painful that a person cries tears of blood. When the Indian beasts take the daughter in front of the father and destroy their innocence. When their naked livers are cut into pieces in front of their mothers.
And their loved ones cannot even read their funeral.
While trampling, they don’t even see whether she is an 80-year-old woman or a 5-year-old innocent girl. Kashmir is under severe siege for the last 5 years. The lack of medicine there is equal to the lack of food.
The education system is ruined.
But the thing to think is, what have we done as Muslims? Pakistan is a nuclear power. Have we done this for the freedom of our brothers? Has used force.
Currently half of the world is ruled by Muslims.
There are 58 Muslim countries, have these countries done anything except condemnation? This cruelty is not the scene of a drama or novel, but it is happening in many Muslim countries at this time.
Like Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Burma,
So there are millions of Muslims who are grinding in the mill of oppression. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that Kashmir is the aorta of Pakistan, but this aorta is being cut slowly.
We are sleeping in the sleep of negligence.
Get up, Muslims, this part of the aorta which has been connected before this may not be carelessly cut. At this time, listen to the rivers of blood flowing in the valley, this blood is not ordinary blood, but Islam. The blood of the innocent flowers of the mother’s liver is the blood of the Mujahideen. Kashmir, our integral part is crying tears of blood today.
The age who conquered half of the world because he had passion,
So courage, faith, faith and trust. He did it, then Allah gave him success. The Ghaznavi who conquered India did not sit on anyone’s back. Rather, he stood up alone.
I am. But unfortunately we don’t want to be like them, but we are sitting waiting for miracles. That there will be a miracle and we don’t have to fight.
The God, make the Muslims understand and wake up their consciences, why do they feel the pain of the Muslim Ummah. Not happening? O God, wake up, how long will the Muslim Ummah remain in the mill of darkness and we will remain silent spectators.
Our rulers are sleeping in the sleep of negligence.
It is greed, how can they go on the path of Jihad, how can they fight? O God, wake up millions of innocent Kashmiris who are currently imprisoned in the bars of restrictions, just think how they are living?
But it is my faith that if no one supports them.
On whom the mountains of oppression are falling, but Allah is with them. Allah will not let the sacrifice of their blood go in vain and victory will be their destiny, God willing. In the end, I just want to say this.
Listen, I am called Kashmir
It is called the interpretation of the dream of freedom
My head is a green garden
Listen, call me the picture of Hasan
My land will be cultivated with blood
Listen, I am called the land of martyrs